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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace

Incubateur de paix au Kasaï

In order to strengthen the leadership of women and girls in Kasaï Central, Interpeace has launched, in the framework of a consortium with UN-WOMEN, a project to reinforce the institutional and traditional peace mechanisms existing in the two provinces. Funded for a period of two years, this project aims to ensure that "women and girls actively participate in peacebuilding and in strengthening social cohesion in Kasai and Kasai Central. It was observed that different actors operating through these peace mechanisms need capacity building in terms of considering the gender dimension in their actions. Thus, from the perspective of promoting women's leadership as well as the participation of women and girls, needs associated with the vulnerability resulting from the conflicts experienced by women were identified to accompany them on a psychosocial and socio-economic level.


